My new favorite bumper sticker, Guns don't kill people, Republican policies kill people. Crazy has caught the car and is now driving in your town. Wake up America. Come on mothers throughout the land, don't pack your kiddies lunches, load their AR15s and make sure they have high capacity magazines. Send your kids to preschool prepared for more than learning their ABCs. Teach them to low crawl through the sandbox without fauling their weapons. And it's 123 what are they learning for, 567 open up the pearly gates. Be the first one on your block to have your kids come home in box. The NRA convention had another successful convention in Indiana. What have you learned today? To load faster, crawl lower and to keep your head down and your focus on the kid in the next sandbox because he could be a radical who would rather learn his ABCs, than tote a weapon.

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