Please remind folks to focus on what they can accomplish. It's tempting to want to do everything - because everything dies need to be done! But burn out is real. Pick what you can do & do it well.
It looks like the Resistbot code in the WE LOSE HEALTH CARE, ELON GETS A TAX BREAK section might be fore the "Not One Cent for Mass Deportation" petition. Could well be user error :) but thought I'd check just in case.
Hmm. When I text PJIXGI to Resistbot, the message I get back is: “ ✊ Do you want to send "Not One Cent for Mass Deportation and Mass Detention Camps" to Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz and Rep. Fallon?”
Thank you so much for including the Section 504 stuff in here today!!
RE: the protest on the 17th. If anyone is in the NE FL area, please DM me on here or Bluesky (KindlyAthena). We have one planned in Jacksonville, St. Augustine, OP and others.
Thank you for making information consumption manageable and for always providing actionable steps!
Happy to be of use!
Please remind folks to focus on what they can accomplish. It's tempting to want to do everything - because everything dies need to be done! But burn out is real. Pick what you can do & do it well.
Too true!
Besides the hate mongers another big problem is Fox Propaganda. How can we defund and disarm Fox?
It looks like the Resistbot code in the WE LOSE HEALTH CARE, ELON GETS A TAX BREAK section might be fore the "Not One Cent for Mass Deportation" petition. Could well be user error :) but thought I'd check just in case.
Nope! The Resistbot is for a separate ask related to the budget - sorry for not making that more clear!
Hmm. When I text PJIXGI to Resistbot, the message I get back is: “ ✊ Do you want to send "Not One Cent for Mass Deportation and Mass Detention Camps" to Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz and Rep. Fallon?”
Yeah, that's how it should be!
Thank you so much for including the Section 504 stuff in here today!!
RE: the protest on the 17th. If anyone is in the NE FL area, please DM me on here or Bluesky (KindlyAthena). We have one planned in Jacksonville, St. Augustine, OP and others.
“Nor do we ever quite understand how the past turned into the future of itself we call the present.” George Eliot
Inspiring, once again.